Why This Is A Good Time For Life Planning

“You have been given a gift—your life. What will you do with it?” – ― Michael Hyatt, Living Forward: A Proven Plan to Stop Drifting and Get the Life You Want

Good Time For Life PlanningIn 2016 I embarked on composing a Life Plan.  I wrote about the process in a series of posts at that time.
I followed the concepts in:  Living Forward,  A Proven Plan to Stop Drifting and get the Life you Want, by Michael Hyatt and Daniel Harkavy.
Four years later in the middle of a pandemic, I am grateful to have this document. It keeps me centered on the important, and filters those things that, at the moment seem big, but are only a passing storm.
This document reminds me of my “why” in life and reasons to keep moving forward, if only the tiniest of baby steps.  It stops the paralysis and intimidation of the storm raging around me.

A Good Time For Life Planning

The first part of the book, which was discussed in a post Living Forward- Review, Share, Grow talks about the “Why” of and for a life plan .  The remainder 200 or so pages discussed the components of and the process for formulating a life plan.
The simple elegance is stunning:
  • Start with the end in mind by asking, “How do you want to be remembered?”  Write your own eulogy.
  • Identify your life accounts and priorities
  • Write the purpose of these accounts
  • Envision what you want each account to look like
  • Write what that account looks like as it exists today (the good, the bad and yes, the ugly)
  • Commit to at least one step to take to close the gap between the dream and the “what is”.
Michael Hyatt and Daniel Harkavy have a compelling way of distilling down the essence of this concept.  Not necessarily new, yet the concept is fresh.
The truth is, being intentional about one’s life is more critical today than ever.  While the world around spins out of control, these principles provide a way to take control of what you can:  Your realm of influence.

Goals Hooked To Your Life Plan Accounts

I hook my annual goals to the life plan.  Goals, during a pandemic?  Certainly.  This is a good time for life planning. We all need a reason to keep moving forward.  It is not so much the “what” as the how, that may need adjustment.
For instance, keeping in touch with family has moved to phone calls, texts, Face time and Messenger, but I still keep in touch.  My tail wheel training goal required a timing adjustment, but it got done; meetings moved to the Zoom platform and the sale of one of our properties got pushed back.
Having the life plan to attach my goals to, helps me to see their value in the midst of this world-wide mess.  This will pass, and while I am staying out of the way of those who find themselves on the front lines of this battle, I want to be ready to jump  back into life when the time comes.

Life Plan 2020

My Life Plan serves several purposes, even in these times.  It:

  • articulates who and what I know I am on earth to be and do
  • prevents “drift” and distraction (can you say COVID-19?) from taking hold
  • serves as filter in my decision making
  • is an adjustable plan and,

When things tug and pull, it provides a clear path back.

If you have found yourself with a lot of time on your hands, this is a great opportunity to reflect and dig into composing a life plan!  Don’t let another year drift by!

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I am a former air traffic controller, pilot, Aircoupe owner, married 42 years to a great guy. We live in a 125+ year old historic Victorian, enjoy cats, vintage anything, precious friends. My passion is Giving Lost Stories A Voice – Giving Found Materials Fresh Form and Purpose!

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