Giving Lost Stories A Voice
Is What It’s About!
About THE STONEBRIDGE: We all like a good story, right? In fact, each of us lives out a fresh story every day! Your…..
- adventures
- ideas
- desires
- abilities
…place a fresh story into motion every morning. This is apparent, on your social media and other places your voice speaks!
I am a rescuer of stories hidden among the ordinary. I give these stories voice as templates to inspire you tell your untold stories so that you too will know the satisfaction of story rescuing.
As I share the stories behind the stones in my bridge, it will inspire reflection about your stories and, even more, the stories behind the stories – and to capture them! Let them serve as Story templates.
About My Content
Each week I publish a story that falls in one of four areas:
Scripture states that “faith is the substance of things hoped for….”. What we believe and put our trust in, whatever or whoever that may be, frames all else. I acknowledge at the onset and make no apologies for my choice to make Jesus Christ my core. That choice frames all I am and do.
Relationships are important and family relationships top the list. The stories I share explore the ways in which those who have passed on impacted not only their world but the world that came after them.
About Flight.
When one spends 34 years in an occupation as unique and wonderful as air traffic control, it never really goes away. I told pilots “where to go” for 14 years then I became a pilot. Now I enjoy flight from just the pilot side of the microphone, but those 34 prior years provide insider information on the other side of that microphone!
Isaiah 58:12 speaks of “raising up age-old foundations…”. As owners of a historic landmark home, one gets connected to its history more as a steward than as an owner.
The reality of historic restoration has its own set of stories that deserve documentation. Those stories appear here.
Foundations also speak to the stories behind rescued products and materials, handmade by me from vintage materials. From time to time, products feature here and are available for purchase. Most are from restoration and renovation, but occasionally I go off the reservation!
About Connecting The Stones…
These four “stones” have emerged organically becoming visible and viable by simply, yet with intention, putting one foot in front of the other. There has been a fair amount of fumbling and some out-and-out failures.
In some ways everything I learned about walking by faith, cherishing family and appreciating foundations became clear in the act of controlling airplanes and learning to fly. How? Some posts talk about that.
There were choices and decisions, even the occasional “what if I had…” , but in the end, simply doing something with what was presented, has served well. My Bio is here.
You Have Connecting Stones….
You too connect down through time to those who have gone before; who lived their lives in the same space you now occupy. Discovering and rescuing those stories brings a sense of wholeness that is akin to finding hidden treasure.
Subscribe for a free download of Five types Legacy Stories and to stay in touch with these seemingly unrelated topics. I will show you how they connect. Or you can email me!