To invent an EAA Biplane is nothing. To build one is something. But to fly is everything. -Otto Lilienthal
I am building an EAA biplane as a part of an EAA project team. Early this spring, my Experimental Aircraft Association Chapter toured the Go Create facility located on the Wichita State University campus. The tour included a demonstration of one of the many tools available in the metalwork and welding area- the water jet.
To make it more interesting, the demo was set up to cut eight steel brackets needed for the upper right wing of the chapter’s EAA biplane project. If a picture is worth a thousand words, then this video is worth around 500K words!
- The entire cutting process took just over 12 minutes. Without this water jet opportunity, it would have been hours over a period of days, at a band saw to cut these eight pieces.
- Used 1/8″ steel.
- In addition to the cutting time, there was preparation and set up by one of the EAA members that is also a member at Go Create. I am grateful for access to this wonderful local resource
- These brackets pick up where my father had left off. He had cut about half of the brackets needed for this wing using a band saw. He would have enjoyed this demo and I have no doubt would have become a member of Go Create.
A four-minute edited version of the video is here. For those of you hard-core, “I must see every detail” folks, the full unedited 12 minutes can be viewed here.
Below are links to other BLOG posts about this biplane project. Stay tuned for updates! It will fly!
The EAA Biplane And Story
This day was also a demonstration of how today’s stories link us to the past while propelling us into our futures. Are you ready to begin capturing your stories today? Download the free PDF of Five Types of Legacy Stories!
The Biplane – A Dream And Hope Resurrected
Exciting First Steps For Biplane Dream Underway!
Awesome News! The Biplane Baby Has A Name!
An Update On Daddy’s Biplane
Nancy, thank you for the insight and application taken from a bi-plane and applied to our story.
You are welcome. Thank you for reading and commenting !