the “Christmas isn’t just a temporal celebration or the memory of a beautiful (event); Christmas is more … Christmas is an encounter!” – Pope Francis The season of Advent is well underway, a season of expectation leading up to Christmas Day. But what are we expecting? I am going to avoid ragging about the pressure […]
Giving A Voice To The Voiceless – The Christmas Shepherds
The one thing that you have that nobody else has is you. Your voice, your mind, your story, your vision. So write and draw and build and play and dance and live as only you can. – Neil Gaiman The story of the nativity would be incomplete without the shepherds “keeping watch over their flocks […]
Why Bother To Hope? A More Rugged Higher Truth
“Everything that is done in this world is done by hope -. Martin Luther The Advent Season begins with lighting the Prophecy Candle representing Hope. Why have hope? It’s such an elusive and squishy idea in today’s world. More in the line of wishful thinking. In most cases. the words “I hope so” have a […]
Christmas Gratitude – The Way Forward
Christmas Gratitude: “Today be thankful and think how rich you are. Your family is priceless, your time is gold, and your health is wealth. ” Zig Ziglar. December at our house is usually one long celebration. My birthday on December 10, followed by our wedding anniversary a week later serves as preludes to Christmas and New […]
Thanksgiving Love, Peace And Blessings From Maison Steinbuchel
Thanksgiving is an emotional holiday. People travel thousands of miles to be with people they only see once a year. And then discover once a year is way too often. – Johnny Carson The day before Thanksgiving is the heaviest travel day of the year. This true of all modes of transportation, but none more […]
A Grateful Life Is A Grace FULL Life
“For grace is given not because we have done good works, but in order that we may be able to do them.” – Saint Augustine of Hippo A grace full life. A life full of grace. What does that look like? Grace is one of those concepts that you know when you see and experience it, […]
Goals: Write Them Down And Gain A Powerful Advantage. It Works!
“It’s the possibility of having a dream come true that makes life interesting.” – Paulo Coelho Each year since the early 1980s I have set goals. I always had goals, lists, “to-dos” in my head, but written goals came later. When I first started, it was primarily in the context of my job/career. In fact, […]
The Drift – Not A Great Friend in Life
You have a choice in life. You can either live on-purpose, according to a plan you’ve set. Or you can live by accident, reacting to the demands of others. The first approach is proactive; the second Michael Hyatt For the past eight years, The Drift has been my enemy. My life plan serves to […]
Powerful Triumph Of Perseverance over Adversity
Through hard work, perseverance and a faith in God, you can live your dreams. – Ben Carson On an extended weekend to attend my 45th high school reunion in Rooks County, Kansas, we added a day in order to visit Jewell County. This is the land to which my mother’s father’s family immigrated from northern […]