This Time With Music! A Flight To Longda, Papua Indonesia

Music is a moral law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and charm and gaiety to life and to everything. –  Plato

In a previous post, I wrote about a flight I took to Longda, Papua in the interior of Indonesia.  For the video, I used a homemade iPhone video edited by yours truly using Windows Movie Maker.  As I was editing the video, I had a song in mind to use as background but did not have permission to use it.  Wanting to share the Londga experience, I posted the video with just airplane noise.  (Some of us like that!)

View the video at this link:  Flight to Langda.

Music Makers

The music I had in mind was composed by some dear friends of ours from our time in Brussels, Belgium.  I knew their music before we went to Belgium, and was delighted to get to know these talented musicians, Chris and Laura Christensen through the church family there.   The albums I have are from the 80s and 90s, but to this baby boomer, 1970s, Jesus Movement girl, they are timeless.  My soul is refreshed every time I listen to them.

I tried to find some public-domain music to use, but my heart was set on this song.  You see when I fly, there is always music in my head.   Not the Top Gun kind, but flying sings to me.  Always.  This was the song that sang to me on this flight.  So, hat in hand, I asked my friends the terms of using the song.  Gracious as always, they granted me permission to use it.  Thank you dear friends.

The Christiansen’s are American but He grew up as a missionary kid in South Africa.  musicThey now live in France, but were in Belgium when we met.  The original post is about a village in the mountains of Papua.  This post may not go viral but it is already global.  Music does that.

Does music speak to you as well?  Please post your most influential song in the comments below.


I am a former air traffic controller, pilot, Aircoupe owner, married 42 years to a great guy. We live in a 125+ year old historic Victorian, enjoy cats, vintage anything, precious friends. My passion is Giving Lost Stories A Voice – Giving Found Materials Fresh Form and Purpose!

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