How to Rest – Maintaining a Dynamic Balance

Get away and unplug. You’ll come back stronger than ever.  – MICHAEL HYATT Maintaining a dynamic balance is vital to a healthy outlook.  Once the holidays are past, the winter season in Kansas can be a peaceful time. Cold temps and blustery weather provide an opportunity for snuggling up with a book or cozy evenings watching […]

Thanksgiving Love, Peace And Blessings From Maison Steinbuchel

Thanksgiving is an emotional holiday. People travel thousands of miles to be with people they only see once a year. And then discover once a year is way too often. – Johnny Carson The day before Thanksgiving is the heaviest travel day of the year.  This true of all modes of transportation, but none more […]

Goals: Write Them Down And Gain A Powerful Advantage. It Works!

“It’s the possibility of having a dream come true that makes life interesting.” –  Paulo Coelho Each year since the early 1980s I have set goals.  I always had goals, lists, “to-dos” in my head, but written goals came later.  When I first started, it was primarily in the context of my job/career. In fact, […]

How To Make Difficult Choices Easier

When your values are clear to you, making choices becomes easier. – Roy E. Disney From the moment we became aware of more than our need for food, water, and a warm cuddle from our parents, we have been faced with the awesome and sometimes bothersome privilege we have as humans:  making choices. At first, […]

How To Connect In Transition, Gardening To Fresh Fruit

I am the true vine, and my Father is the husbandman. Every branch in me that bears not fruit he takes away: and every branch that bears fruit, he purges it, that it may bring forth more fruit.  John 15:1-2 I enjoy gardening.  Nothing refreshes me more than grabbing my iPhone, donning my Bluetooth headset […]

The Value of Margins – Six lessons From Ladders and Air Traffic Control

I have come to appreciate the value of margins.  This happened during a season when my husband took too a tumble from a ladder while trimming a tree. Yes, there was a running chainsaw involved.  We are thankful the only damage from the incident was a broken left heel bone. Nonetheless, crutches in a three-story […]

How Flying Is A Walk Of Faith

 “Sometimes a pilot has to take a firm grip on emotions, forcing oneself to take a firm control of a nervous stomach or shaking hand.”  Weather Flying, Robert N. Buck Aviation is a world seeped in perceptions of thrills and frightful emotions.  In reality, it requires just the opposite.  Being led by ones emotions […]

What Is So Wrong About Distraction?

As a former air traffic controller and current private pilot, we learned about distraction –  to recognize, mitigate and, avoid it in my work environment was a core part of training. In the air traffic world, side conversations and noise not related to the work at hand was watched for meticulously. Why?  Everyone knew distraction […]

If It Is The Joyland Carousel Then It Is Wonderful Wichita!

 My husband and I recently visited Botanica, The Wichita Gardens.  This is the new home for the Joyland Carousel scheduled to be open to the public fall of 2019.  I have know this was coming, seen pictures and layouts, but it was not until this visit and seeing the building site, did I truly […]