There is an overwhelming turmoil in our world. The voices commenting on such are equally overwhelming. I am not one to hide my head in the sand, but even Jesus, when He walked this earth took time away from the din of the multitudes. So this week, I am taking time away.
I will not disengage but rather recalibrate for what lies ahead. This involves intentionality. As I watched the squirrels flit about in our coppas, the following three ways to do so, emerged:
Banishing The Overwhelming
- Focus – squirrels seem single-minded, especially in Autumn: It is ALL about the acorns. They sit in our Belgian Oak tree harvesting acorns, stuffing their faces as they go. They bombard anyone or anything, including our cats, who dare walk beneath their tree-top dining experience.
- Prepare – along with storing up for the coming winter hibernation, they prepare for spring. This includes hoarding as many acorns as possible anywhere they see fit. They dig in the grass, flower beds, and pots. Leaving these tree seeds to sprout in the most inconvenient places. They are preparing for the time when they will wake up ravenous. Unfortunately, the winter nap seems to also reset their little squirrel brains forgetting where they buried their lunch! Still, they prepare.
- Take the high road – Although we do see these furry creatures on the ground, in our yard they
tend to keep to the trees, telephone, cable, and electrical conduits. This avoids the dangers of traveling on the ground such as cats, dogs, and vehicles when crossing the street. Of course, there are the occasional encounters with electrical transformers that interrupt local power grids, indicating that no path in life is entirely without danger, even the high roads.
Dealing With The Overwhelming – Squirrel Lessons Applied
Focus – there are a lot of things to be aware of on many fronts. Yet, in the midst of this reality, it is essential to find your focus. For me, it is a person: “Therefore, with minds that are alert and fully sober, set your hope on the grace to be brought to you when Jesus Christ is revealed at his coming.” 1 Peter 1:13.
He already knows all. John Piper stated it this way: “God is always doing 10,000 things in your life, of which you may be aware of three of them.”
So fling some nuts at the daily intruders: Turn off the TV, radio, and phone. Use the “personal focus” button and take a nap.
Prepare – I am not a doomsday prepper, however, wisdom tells us to be ready for a rainy day. Things break, storms happen, and people have their own lives to deal with. Those people and/or systems you have relied on in the past may not be at your beck and call. Do what you can to prepare yourself, and your household. Even be ready to be part of the answer to others.
Therefore, we have been shoring up our emergency plans. It’s been on my to-do list for some time, but we finally took the time to centralize and streamline our emergency equipment and stores. We purchased a generator and adapted our water well so we could get water without electricity. In reality, we had a lot of the supplies we needed. It just needed to be organized. We used this resource as a checklist.
Take The High Road – I am selective as to the voices I get my information from. Voices I trust to tell the truth. I do not let curiosity lead me into viewing images or reading gruesomely detailed accounts of atrocities. Yes, I stay informed, but one does not need unnecessary metal images to battle along with everything else. It serves no purpose. Should I be confronted with such things, God’s grace is present to deal with it.
Rise Above!
In these times, it is vital to rise above the swamp, muck, and clamoring of the age. When you must deal with the pigpen, throw a plank across the mire, walk above the stink, and do what needs doing. Like the squirrel take the high road so you are fit to live another day.
What one thing will you do or stop doing today to rise above the din of the day? Go on, write it down in the comments.
This is indeed true and timely given the world we live in. Yes, even though we are in the world, we are not of the world. Time to give more time to the Word and not the things of the world. I need to sit more at the feet of Christ, not at the feet of the TV or social media. I need to live in the peace of Christ, not in the pieces of what the world’s news brings. Thank you so much Sis. Nancy. I need to hear this!!!