Celebrate your own special spirit fly on the wings of your secret dreams Laurel Burch For several years, a team from my local Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) chapter has been building the wings for an EAA biplane my father began in the late 60s. Currently, we are installing the aluminum leading edges on the wings. […]
An Unexpected Solo Fight Made A Special January Afternoon
I flew my solo flight on January 10, 1992, at Jabara Airport (3KM at the time, now AAO) in a Cessna 152. I wrote the following not long after that experience: My Solo Flight “I want you to taxi to the end, make two touch and gos, then full stop and come back here to […]
Thanksgiving Love, Peace And Blessings From Maison Steinbuchel
Thanksgiving is an emotional holiday. People travel thousands of miles to be with people they only see once a year. And then discover once a year is way too often. – Johnny Carson The day before Thanksgiving is the heaviest travel day of the year. This true of all modes of transportation, but none more […]
Goals: Write Them Down And Gain A Powerful Advantage. It Works!
“It’s the possibility of having a dream come true that makes life interesting.” – Paulo Coelho Each year since the early 1980s I have set goals. I always had goals, lists, “to-dos” in my head, but written goals came later. When I first started, it was primarily in the context of my job/career. In fact, […]
The Drift – Not A Great Friend in Life
You have a choice in life. You can either live on-purpose, according to a plan you’ve set. Or you can live by accident, reacting to the demands of others. The first approach is proactive; the second reactive.es Michael Hyatt For the past eight years, The Drift has been my enemy. My life plan serves to […]
My Encounters With The Amazing Sexy Lear Jet
Nothing climbs like a Lear Jet. Not even military planes. We clip off about a hundred miles every ten minutes. – William Lear I love the Lear Jet! To me, the Lear is iconic Wichita. Yes, I know that Bill Lear was a latecomer to the aviation world that is Wichita, Kansas. Clyde Cessna, Walter […]
Four Ways A Free Writing Pen Evokes Memory
To change the world you’ll need a pen. – Donald Miller The Free Writing Pen. Recently I was going through my ink pen collection replacing the cartridges. I use a lot of ink, and although free writing pens abound, I purchase refills. As I matched the right refill to each pen, I found one that had […]
How To Make Difficult Choices Easier
When your values are clear to you, making choices becomes easier. – Roy E. Disney From the moment we became aware of more than our need for food, water, and a warm cuddle from our parents, we have been faced with the awesome and sometimes bothersome privilege we have as humans: making choices. At first, […]
A Journey Into Mission Aviation Fellowship
In June of 2016 on a return trip to Kansas from a family gathering in Moscow, ID, we took time to stop at the headquarters of Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) in Nampa, ID. We have been supporters of MAF for over 25 years, but my journey with this organization goes back much further. The Paternal […]