Where’s Maggie? Hide And Seek With An Adorable Silly Cat

Where’s Maggie – The Movie:

When my cats aren’t happy, I’m not happy. Not because I care about their mood but because I know they’re just sitting there thinking up ways to get even. – Percy Bysshe Shelley

Where's MaggieMaggie came to us nine years ago come September.  She sported a green flea collar so when I saw her “Halloween Cat” a PT Cruiser to a full stop in the street, I assumed she belonged to someone.

We had just lost our fifteen year old, Fluffy, and were down to a herd of five kitties.  We were not looking for another.
Still, what do you do?  A small five week old kitten, obviously lost, needs help.  I put signs up posted her on facebook, etc. figuring someone would claim her.  I refused to name her so as not to get attached.  Yea, right….
Fur-Babysitting Maggie
Where's Maggie
Where’s Maggie?

After a week of no responses, my sister laid claim to her. She WAS adorable.  Sis named her Maggie.  She was moving, so I agreed to keep her until she got settled.

The move took longer than planned, so Maggie and I became friends.  I kept my sis in mind as I trained and loved on “The Maggs”, and was glad I would have visitation rights after she left my care.

Where’s Maggie? On An Adventure

The day came when Maggie went to live with my sister and her dog Boomer.  They got along well.  Each morning, Sis would let Maggie out for her morning romp and then let her back in before she headed to work.

However, one morning Maggie was not at the door.  All of us were concerned and canvassed the neighborhood for Maggie.  Neighbors reported “Maggie sightings”, but my sister’s work schedule and Maggie’s had gotten out of sync.  “Where’s Maggie?” was the constant question.

A Safe Return
After more than three weeks, on a warm April afternoon my sister had her apartment door propped open and Maggie came bounding in the door with a “why did you have the door closed for so long look”!  During her absence, another cat needing a home was taken in by my sister.  Maggie was not amused.  Sis called me and said, “come get your cat”.
There were no hard feelings but she had decided that Maggie was not suited for apartment life.  I was relieved, delighted and raced over to retrieve The Maggs.  She was a bit thin, agitated and smelled like garage grease.
We took her back to Masion Steinbuchel to rest and recuperate.  She ate, then slept for 24 hours straight.  It seems it is hard to get a good night’s sleep on the street.  After the long nap, a good grooming, food and water, she was fine.  She had, however,  a new swagger after being on her own, but our Maggie was back.
 Where's Maggie
I am convinced that kitty angels kept her safe and brought her back.  I know, she’s just a cat, but stewardship of our fur babies is a God-given privilege and we do what we can.
Where’s Maggie?
Where's Maggie
Yoga Maggie

We call Maggie our Facebook Cat .  Instead of chasing or other normal playtime antics, she likes to “poke” the other cats, then run.  Her other kitty attributes include:

  •  Staring.  She studies the situation and you, observing and collecting data for future use.  It’s both cute and creepy.


  • She is busy unless she is sleeping.  Climbing, exploring bags, boxes and holes.  If you are not at the door to let her in the minute she arrives, she is off on another adventure.


  • Where's Maggie
    Where’s Maggie?

    Rather than meow, she growls.  She growls at the door until it opens, growls when we pick her up and growls to protect her food.  But it is a cute growl.  A “hard to take serious” growl.

  • She is quiet.  In fact, she is so quiet,  it is phantom like.  She just appears, then disappears.


  • She hides.   After nine years we have found most of her spots, and can discern a bit of a pattern,  yet there are times when she manages to evade our seeking efforts.  Outdoors, her coloring is quite effective as camouflage cover.
    Where's Maggie
    Where’s Maggie?


  • She is not a talker.  When she does meow it is tiny and cute, yet demanding.  This usually involves food or some kind of protest – accompanied by a that cute growl.
 Maggie continues to make us smile with her stares and pokes.  She still keeps us on the hunt.  We still find ourselves asking the question:  “Where’s Maggie?”.
Is there a special fur-baby adventure you can share?  Please do so in the comments below!
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I am a former air traffic controller, pilot, Aircoupe owner, married 42 years to a great guy. We live in a 125+ year old historic Victorian, enjoy cats, vintage anything, precious friends. My passion is Giving Lost Stories A Voice – Giving Found Materials Fresh Form and Purpose!

2 thoughts on “Where’s Maggie? Hide And Seek With An Adorable Silly Cat

  1. Maggie!!!!! I love this one. But Nancy I can’t see a single photo except for the very first one. All other photos were fine except on this blog. Thought I should let you know. Blessings!!!

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