Top Five Things That Remain Stable In Crisis

And wisdom and knowledge shall be the stability of thy times, and strength of salvation: the fear of the Lord is his treasure –

Isaiah 33:6 (KJV)

If you are breathing, I need not go into detail about the situation in the world.  It seems all structure, routines and resources are in a constant state of flux.  Yet, we can find stability in crisis, if we look.

Although details vary by location, there is little argument, things are being shaken up.  Yet, there are things that remain stable in crisis.  That reality came to mind as I engaged in dirt digging, rose feeding and other springtime gardening tasks.  The five stability in crises areas I observed were:

1.  Nature seems oblivious to all the fuss.  Spring rains continue to encourage growth of all vegetation; weeds and Stable In Crisis flowers, grass and trees.  Squirrels scamper to and fro while birds enjoy their daily baths and sing as the sun rises.

2.  Daily Routines.

I am not saying our daily activities have not been impacted, but those aspects we can control, we do.  We continue our morning and evening routines providing a sense of stability.  Even though my husband’s school has switched to distance learning, we arise at the same time, have our normal quiet time, dress and then attend the school’s convocation via zoom.  Yes, we adapt as required, but a stable framework has been retained.
3.  Self-care.  Hygiene has some added elements for sure.  Hand sanitizer accompanies us as do wet wipes.  However, we have been extra diligent to keep basics like rest and proper nutrition in place.  I refuse to do without a manicure, although I have reverted to doing a home version.
4.  Choice.  The ability to choose how I respond to all of this, has not changed.  I can fear and fume, or trust and laugh.  By choice, I take the latter and look for opportunity.  Thus, I like what I learned from Micheal Hyatt:  “What does this make possible?”  In my case, I am:
  • cleaning out closets and files.
  • preparing my taxes
  • tackling projects and product creation that were on the back burner
  • getting ahead on blog posts
  • dreaming and planning for the future by revising goals for the year
  • taking an online course
5. God.  “I am the Lord, I change not”.  “Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever”.  Which is why I refuse to fear.  I know this mess has not caught God off guard.  He is the source of all wisdom and knowledge, which stabilize  our times.  He is our stability in crises.  It is ours for the asking.

Pivoting Yet Stable In Crisis

Yes, there is a lot of opportunity to pivot the “how” we are doing things at the moment.  We are learning our vulnerabilities and strengths at both macro and micro levels.  The vulnerabilities can be addressed for future preparedness.  Strengths will be built upon.  I am convinced our daily life will be better.  It is a choice.
How are you doing out there?  I am praying for you!  Please let me know in the comments or email me at

I am a former air traffic controller, pilot, Aircoupe owner, married 42 years to a great guy. We live in a 125+ year old historic Victorian, enjoy cats, vintage anything, precious friends. My passion is Giving Lost Stories A Voice – Giving Found Materials Fresh Form and Purpose!

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