Three Unexpected Places To Visit For Fun Authentic Stories

Sometimes if you can tell one personal story with a lot of sincerity, it can become a universal story.  -Rithy Panh

Authentic Stories
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Truly authentic stories are special.  It’s not necessarily rare, but nonetheless special.  Lately, I have discovered three sources in one of my go-to places for information and entertainment:  YouTube.

YouTube is a wonder.  You can learn how:

  • to do things,
  • fix things,
  • and about things.

Aside from the misplaced ads  I put up with on the non-premium version, it is quite the resource.  You can also get information and news on the go.

I am sure this is not a revelation to most of you, but I was recently encouraged to get more daily belly laughs to relieve stress.  It’s good advice.  Again, YouTube to the rescue.  I am especially fond of Dry Bar Comedy, Jeff Foxworthy, and Mike Rowe.  No, Mr. Rowe is not strictly a comedian, but his sense of humor and perspective make me laugh,

Long Form Interviews

Mike Rowe got on my YouTube subscribe list after listening to an interview he did with Joe Rogan.  I knew him from Dirty Jobs but did not realize Mike has a podcast.  One of the first episodes I listened to was with the Harmon Brothers who:

  • Developed the “skip” button for Google ads, which I use all the time!
  • Came up with Dry Bar Comedy, where I get my daily belly laughs, and
  • Created VidAngel, andes
  • Angel Studios

to name a few.  But I also learned about their life, how they grew up, what motivates them, and the values they live by even in business.  They shared the battles they lost, the risks taken, and their successes.

Since then, between Mile Rowe and Joe Rogan, I have listened to over twenty of these long-form conversations.  I do so as I clean the house, exercise, do yard work, or do other work that does not require mental focus.  In these long-form conversations/interviews, the authentic personal story of the interviewee emerges.

It occurred to me that programs like this kind are rescuing lost stories. They tell the back story to the story. I am learning a lot.

A New Platform For An Enduring Tradition

It reminds me of the afternoons spent at my grandparents’ house, where news was exchanged and stories told. Laughter was present, and fellowship prevailed. Most of these are recorded only in my mind, although I do have one afternoon recorded somewhere on an 8mm video tape—a late 20th-century “podcast”.

These authentic stories told in the long-form conversation format, are now part of my personal growth plan, along with reading and listening to books.

Perhaps we all should become YouTubers recording conversations at family gatherings for posterity.  It’s a thought.



I am a former air traffic controller, pilot, Aircoupe owner, married 42 years to a great guy. We live in a 125+ year old historic Victorian, enjoy cats, vintage anything, precious friends. My passion is Giving Lost Stories A Voice – Giving Found Materials Fresh Form and Purpose!

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