How Does An Abstract Preserve History?

Abstract: A condensed history, taken from public records or documents, of the ownership of a piece of land. We have the original abstract of our Kansas Historic Landmark home dating back to the land grant of 160 acres from the Osage Land Trust.   It’s existence serves to preserve history far beyond  the handing off of property ownership. In past BLOG posts, I have told how three individual lives, immigrants from France and Germany, […]

How to Rest – Maintaining a Dynamic Balance

Get away and unplug. You’ll come back stronger than ever.  – MICHAEL HYATT Summer is halfway over for most of us.  A season that promises recreation, relaxation and rest.  We let go of the frantic demands and structures of the other seasons, and just breathe, right? As a person who retired from a 38 year civil servant […]

Patent Medicines and Home Remedies in the Steinbüchel Home

In summer 1988, after moving into Maison Steinbüchel, we tackled a pile of rubbish and sand from under the apple tree beside the garage along the alley.  A trumpet vine had taken over the area, growing up into the tree,   masquerading what was in store. Once the vine and rubbish were removed, we discovered a large pile […]

A Solo Flight – Celebrating Milestones

It’s when ordinary people rise above the expectations and seize the opportunity that milestones truly are reached.  – Mike Huckabee I enjoy being a pilot, aircraft and hanger owner, but these joys are accompanied by a fair amount of responsibility.  Even as a private pilot, periodic flight reviews (BFR) and medicals come with the privilege. This […]

The Joyland Carousel – Exposing Hidden Connections

I have never been to the Joyland Amusement Park founded by the Ottoways in 1949.  Although still active until 2004, I simply never had a reason to check it out.  As a child, my amusement park exposure was limited to school playgrounds,  county fairs and carnivals, but I loved the carousels. I also love seeing lost things […]

The Abstract – Maison Steinbuchel’s Personal History

We have the original abstract of our Kansas Historic Landmark home dating back to the land grant of 160 acres from the Osage Land Trust.  In past BLOG posts, I have told how three individual lives, immigrants from France and Germany, converged in Wichita, Kansas.  How through love, hope, taking risks and even tragedy ended up as […]

The Farm, House and Bridge – Peter Stackman’s Legacy

“Praise the bridge that carried you over” – George Colman “The simple hearth of the small farm is the true center of our universe” – Masanobu Fukuoka Peter Frederick Stackman was the first husband of Marie-Louise Hahn, the matriarch for which the Kansas Historic Landmark, Maison Steinbuchel is named.  In a previous post I outlined his […]