How To Discover Hidden Personal Assets

Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! You cannot be successful or happy without a humble but reasonable confidence in your powers. – Norman Vincent Peale Bein g unaware of the value of my personal assets, almost pressured me unto place of making a poor decisions.  In my post about that hard decision, I discussed […]

How To Make Difficult Choices Easier

When your values are clear to you, making choices becomes easier. – Roy E. Disney From the moment we became aware of more than our need for food, water, and a warm cuddle from our parents, we have been faced with the awesome and sometimes bothersome privilege we have as humans:  making choices. At first, […]

A Journey Into Mission Aviation Fellowship

In June of 2016 on a return trip to Kansas from a family gathering in Moscow, ID, we took time to stop at the headquarters of Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) in Nampa, ID. We have been supporters of MAF for over 25 years, but my journey with this organization goes back much further. The Paternal […]

Hello Summer! Abundant Simplicity, Calm, and “Stories” To Delight

“If it could only be like this always – always summer, always alone, the fruit always ripe and Aloysius in a good temper…”  ―Evelyn Waugh, Brideshead Revisited When one is retired from working as an employee, one would think that the seasons, including summer, would all blend together.  While my time is more flexible, it […]

Calm Joyful Remembrance: Recall, Recount And Respond

Think only of the past as its (calm joyful) remembrance gives you pleasure. Jane Austen This weekend is Memorial Day in the United States.  This day of remembrance began after the civil war. Honor was expressed by decorating the graves of fallen soldiers.  In fact it was called Decoration Day even by my parents. It […]

What Is Fear And How To Beat It

I’ve been absolutely terrified every moment of my life – and I’ve never let it keep me from doing a single thing I wanted to do. — Georgia O’Keeffe What Is Fear?  Whether we are aware of it or not, all of us deal with it daily in some form or another.  It comes in many […]

Nancy Hancock-Cullen – My Bio

I am Nancy Hancock-Cullen, a retired Federal Aviation Air traffic controller, current private pilot and married 42 years to a wonderful guy.  We live in a 130 year old Victorian house; enjoy cats, vintage and classic anything and our precious friends scattered around the globe. In addition to flying and maintaining the airplane I inherited […]

Home Coming And Reverse Culture Shock

“Blessed will you be when you come in (home), and blessed will you be when you go out..” Deut 28:6 Recently during my morning quiet time, I was reading through some BLOGs and articles, from a particular ministry we are connected with.  Suddenly, I found myself in tears.  The series I was reading came from […]


A Family Summer Picnic, A Castle And Providence

This weekend I will be joining my mother, her brother and members of three of the seven branches of my maternal grandfather’s siblings for a family picnic near Boise Idaho.  Sometime in the 40s or 50s three of  my grandfather’s six siblings moved from Kansas to this area so I only knew them by name. […]