Why Bother To Hope? A More Rugged Higher Truth

“Everything that is done in this world is done by hope -. Martin Luther The Advent Season begins with lighting the Prophecy Candle representing Hope.  Why have hope? It’s such an elusive and squishy idea in today’s world.  More in the line of wishful thinking.  In most cases. the words “I hope so” have a […]

Four Weddings Of Maison Steinbuchel – Love, Elegance and Disappointments

“To love at all is to be vulnerable.” – C.S. Lewis “Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind, and therefore is winged Cupid painted blind.” – William Shakespeare June is rapidly approaching, as is the peak of the wedding season.  Even in these times, June weddings continue as a tradition.  It seemed […]

How To Tap Into Your Unique Inner Legacy

I’ve always liked the idea of memoirs, going into someone else’s life, going through someone else’s day and getting out of your own head. – Isabel Gillies The decision to start this BLOG came from a desire to preserve stories.  To capture those bits of memory that get lost as generations pass and years go […]

Five Most Interesting 2018 Posts From THE STONEBRIDGE

At the end of each year, it is interesting to see which posts got the most action on THE STONEBRIDGE BLOG.  If I were better an analyzing the buckets of data I have access to I might be able to discern why what posts get attention.   As it is, I am simply grateful folks stop by […]