At the end of each year, it is interesting to see which posts got the most action on THE STONEBRIDGE BLOG. If I were better an analyzing the buckets of data I have access to I might be able to discern why what posts get attention. As it is, I am simply grateful folks stop by and in some cases, leave a comment.
This I do know, this audience is all over the place: on the map, in age, interests and in gender. I like that. We have a wide variety of friends and family near and far, so the range of readers is not a surprise – it is a blessing.
They say we bloggers should have a niche, a particular tribe in order to be successful in serving. So far, i am bucking that model. It may change, but for now I will just keep writing about my four “Fs”:
Which category I write on varies with the season. This past year, the Flight category seemed to catch more attention than others, but not all.
Following are the results for 2018:
Homecoming and Reverse Culture Shock This one resonated with a lot of you. Even though comments were limited, traffic to this post was high. I was more transparent than usual. I am glad you stopped by. Thank you.
Mayday, Mayday, Mayday – What To Do When Things Really Go Wrong
Nothing like an aviation emergency to get everyone’s attention! This past July when the engine on my airplane misbehaved badly, so I made a precautionary unplanned landing. Thankfully It was on an airport. Both I and the airplane made it to the ground safely. Read this for the details and discover some basic principles in dealing with the unexpected.
Tora 101 – The Last Flight – Tora, Tora, Tora
The Full Focus Planner: A Logbook- A Calendar-A Journal-A Goal Tracker
This one talked about a product I use (not an affiliate). It is the convergence of all the systems I have in place so that our lives have some order. It is rooted in my Life Plan which informs my annual goals which filters my calendar, quarterly, weekly and daily activities.
This is the time of year that I review my life plan and make any appropriate adjustments. I also review what the current year looked like and form goals for the coming year. This tool is the daily linchpin to my digital tools.
Five Most Interesting
There they are five most interesting 2018 posts. A strange mix, but all based in “Giving Lost Stories A Voice”.
I would love to hear from more of you – just post in the comments below where you are reading from! Let’s see if Google Analytics REALLY knows who you are!
Oh yes, and HAPPY NEW YEAR! May 2019 be you most outstanding year ever.