How To Cope When Routine Transitions Turn Ugly

step of faith

“Sometimes, life’s challenges are tough to deal with. You will succeed if you focus your thoughts on how to overcome the challenge.”  – Catherine Pulsifer

It is back to school season.  It happens every year and is considered a routine transition.  Yet, the back to school vibe is everywhere and makes itself known by:

  • the plethora of notebooks, pencils and backpacks crowding the stores
  • families making the rounds like coveys of quail to required physicals, needed haircuts and clothing stores
  • school buses making practice runs in the mornings
  • public swimming pools closing

not to mention the general frantic-ness in the atmosphere that says:  Transition underway!

Routine Transitions

In some ways we are always in transition.  We:

  • arise in the morning, live out a day, then head back to sleep
  • go to work (or school), move from one activity to another, then back to our nests at home
  • get in our cars, drive somewhere, take care of business then return

Most transitions are routine, efficient, even mindless with little risk.  However, what about transitions:

  • from a familiar routine to a new one?
  • that involve more than just you?
  • that involve some or a lot of risk?
  • that involves moving into an unknown situation?
  • or that one forced upon you, that broadsides and smacks you in the gut?
  • when it turns just plain ugly….

Routine Transitions Turned Ugly

When it comes to the back to school thing,  I am more of an observer, dodging the various activities surrounding that aspect of this season.  However, it happens to be the time of year I make my annual rounds of physical checkups.  Routine right?

Not so much.  A few years ago a bad report broadsided me as a result of the annual physical exam.   What it was is not important now, but it plunged us into the world of medical protocols and unwanted attention.

I immediately took my own advice, I formed a support structure.  One that was simple, firm, and kept me, not the medical establishment, in charge.   It consisted of:

  • surrounding myself with a small but powerful group of like-minded Christian prayers,
  • leaning on my spouse and those like-minded believers for support,
  • educating myself on options in my case – inside and outside of mainline medicine,
  • streamlining my activities while keeping a strong daily routine,
  • refusing to make the condition the center of my thoughts, words, or activities,
  • choosing to trust the Lord at a whole new level

I am happy to report, all is well.  The treatment I took is a distant memory with barely a burp in our lives.

Intentional Transitions

I was intentional about every step taken.  Yes, I listened to the advice, then checked it out.  I said yes to some, and no to some.  I won’t lie, it was challenging to stay centered and focused, but the alternative was not a road I wanted to travel.

In this back-to-school time of year, with all of its hubbub and activity, I am grateful that this year’s back-to-school transition season is –  back to normal.

Is there a time when you were broadsided with a  gut punch? What steps did you take to get maintain stability?  

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I am a former air traffic controller, pilot, Aircoupe owner, married 42 years to a great guy. We live in a 125+ year old historic Victorian, enjoy cats, vintage anything, precious friends. My passion is Giving Lost Stories A Voice – Giving Found Materials Fresh Form and Purpose!

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