Christmas Gratitude: “Today be thankful and think how rich you are. Your family is priceless, your time is gold, and your health is wealth. ” Zig Ziglar.
December at our house is usually one long celebration. Traditionally, on my side of the family it kicks off at Thanksgiving with an extended family gathering.
This leaves the rest of the holiday season for friends and immediate family celebrations.
My birthday on December 10, followed by our wedding anniversary a week later serve as preludes to Christmas and New Years.
Since David is an educator, normally there are seasonal and end of semester activities at his school. Most years there are robust church activities as well.
This year, 2020? Many adjustments are being made and frankly, I am having a hard time with the whole Idea.
Yet, the core, the fundamental reason for the season has not changed: to honor, to member and be grateful for Jesus:
The Christ.
God incarnate.
Emmanuel – God With Us.
- A baby born the way all babies are born, except of a virgin.
- A baby who grew in wisdom and stature, took first steps, knew hunger, hurt and all manor of pain.
- Who attended Hebrew school and learned a skill as a carpenter from his earthly dad.
- God with us acquiring knowledge, understanding and insight – all which He had possessed before joining mankind and set aside to walk with us.
- The unchangeable One, yet joined us and remains with us in our journey.
With that unchanging foundation, we can celebrate. We CAN be grateful. The “how” we celebrate is not the point, the “why” and “who” is.
Moving Forward In Christmas Gratitude
So, with that truth and some adjustments, the formal dining room and back parlor at Maison Steinbuchel will continue to be our favorite place to have meals during the holidays. We will:
- decorate, remembering Christmas’s abroad as we unpack the multitude of ornaments acquired as ex-pat’s
- listen to Christmas music on our devices as well as the vinyl record albums of my childhood.
- exchange gifts so we can use the gift tags acquired in Europe
We will no doubt zoom, facetime and talk on the phone with friends and family. There will be church gatherings. If weather cooperates I will go for some crisp winter flights.
We will:
- celebrate our 43 years together as a couple and make plans for the next 40 or so.
- rejoice that 2020 although challenging, is in the rear view mirror.
- take joy that are safe, well and whole.
Please join us!
May this season of celebration awaken Christmas Gratitude in a fresh way for you and yours.
How are you celebrating this year? Just DO IT and let me know!
Happy Birthday, Happy Anniversary, and Merry Christmas to you and your family <3